
Things I Miss The Most

This winter has been long and cold. Polar vortex, much? I never thought I would live in a place where snow hangs out for more than one day but here I am. The cold and never-ending snow definitely has made me miss the South, where I don’t have to wear three pairs of gloves to feel my fingertips. Here are a few things that I’ve been missing lately about my old neck(s) of the woods.

  1. Sweet tea. Obviously I can sometimes get “sweet” tea here, but it’s really not the same. I like rot-your-teeth-off sweet tea. Adding two Splendas to a glass of unsweet doesn’t work. Unsweet tea is just dirty water. I like an Arnold Palmer every now and then, but if it doesn’t feel like my teeth hate me for it, it isn’t sweet enough.
  2. Trees. Or more specifically the woods, the boonies. I miss seeing tall pine trees bunched together without houses, monuments or urban sprawl next to them. I miss the nothing between the St. Johns River and Daytona. There were some pretty nice trees out by Mount Vernon, if I remember correctly. For some reason, Rock Creek Park doesn’t count. Sorry.
  3. Driving long distances. I learned how to drive on Mississippi highways and that stretch of I-10 after Pensacola but before Lake City (Tallahassee isn’t too scary if you stay in the middle lane), so driving in DC and Arlington has been an adjustment. I miss the drive between Ruston and West Monroe. I even am nostalgic about the drive from Roanoke to Lynchburg (however, I don’t miss the drive between Roanoke and Orlando or Ruston and DC; those are too long — especially without cruise control). Driving out to my dentist in Falls Church sort of helps, but dang. Sometimes you need a empty road and a good radio station. Speaking of…
  4. Country music radio stations. While DC has some awesome news radio stations and an NPR station that your car can get without driving to the top of a hill (true story in Ruston), I miss having several stations to choose from when I need my country music fix. Basically, I want Z107.5 to follow me where ever I may go. Thanks, Big Z-Country!
  5. Tex-Mex. Actually, I miss the Tia Maria’s in Ruston that closed several years ago. I will always remember your enchilada platters and salsa, Tia!